For many of us the workplace is one of the biggest stressors that we have to deal with. We cannot control our bosses, our co-workers, their choices, or their actions. However, we can control ourselves and set ourselves up for success by planning ahead. Here are 8 easy stress-busting tips to help you plan your day.

wrist-watch-ladies-watch-accessory-fashion-glossy1. Start Out on the Right Foot: Give yourself some time in the morning. Get up early, work out, take a walk, have some time alone before the rest of the house awakens, and try not to get in a hurry. Many of us have that morning where we oversleep and are rushing out the door hopping on one foot to put on a shoe while we try to button a button with the other hand. However, why make that the way to start your day? Give yourself time to be able to get ready for the day before it starts.

2. Prioritization – Please! Yes, prioritize. Making a list of what you have to tackle that day and prioritizing it will help to keep the day going well. Making a list of tasks to accomplish and breaking it down to its larger parts can get you a roadmap for a successful day.

3. None of us is Superwoman/Superman. Be honest in your expectations of yourself. How much of a workload can you realistically carry before collapsing under the weight? Can you take on that extra project and still be effective in your daily responsibilities as well? No is not a bad word – you just need to know when to apply it. Sometimes you just have to ask: “Should I rush this rush job before I rush the rush job that I was rushing before you asked me to do the other job you wanted me to rush for you?” Well, maybe you should word that differently (“Can you help me with the priority here? I have several that are conflicting and could use some guidance as to which way to go first?” might be a better choice).

away-walk-sidewalk-woman-backpack-idyll-puddles-14. Breaks Are a Present to Take From Work. Take your breaks. They are factored in to your work day, and, frankly, the clarity seen from a refreshed mind is much better than that of a drowsy one. If you work at a desk, get up and move around one your break…the brain will appreciate the break and the body will appreciate the better breathing. Try not to do too many working lunches, where you wolf down bites of food between flurries of activity. By taking breaks you will do yourself and your employer a great service by being as alert and focused as possible.

5. Take the Lesson and Move On. We all make mistakes, they happen. The trick is to keep the mistakes to a minimum and the successes to a maximum. However, do not waste energy flagellating yourself over it….take the lesson and then do the Elsa thing and just “let it go!” Focus on what you can change for the future and keep that kind of issue from happening again.

6. Keep It Clean: Keep your work area neat. Unnecessary clutter can add to your stress. When switching from one project or another, clean your work area. This helps to cut down on clutter at the same time as giving your brain a chance to refocus from one thing to another. Five minutes before the end of the day, straighten your work area and jot down your list. Being organized can really help cut down on workplace stress.

7. Take Credit When Credit Is Due You. Being humble is an admirable trait, but there is no sense in letting someone else steal your thunder either. When appreciation for your efforts are expressed, acknowledge it like the compliment it is, and then get back to work. When you have completed an important project, share the success with others by thanking those that helped you.

sky-sun-black-and-white-breathing-excursion8. Have Your Stress Relief Plan Ready. Having a stress relief plan ready is important. We get irritated with our co-workers, our bosses, upper level management, and the job itself. Knowing when it is time to take a quick “refresh the brain break” is an important tool in your toolbox for success. Sometimes all it takes is a few minutes of measured breathing to lower growing stress levels. By keepin stress sin check you prove yourself to be a stronger worker.


Holding doctoral degrees in Divinity and Theology from the Esoteric Interfaith Theological Seminary, Dr. Nikki Judge is the executive director of Black Rose Spiritual Center.  A gifted spiritual reader she has helped nearly 175,000 people in her career. Along with a good book and a purring cat Dr. Nikki enjoys getting out in the sun and fresh air of western Montana.  You can visit her at