Some Common Dream Meanings II – An Alphabet of Dream Meanings

By Dr Nikki

Dreams are a great way of getting in touch with yourself. Some dreams can be very detailed, encompassing numerous concepts, backgrounds and transitions. However, there are dreams (or what we can remember of them) that embody a single item or concept. These shorter dreams (or the recall) can still give you key information from your inner self.

Here is an A to Z of some common dream symbols and their meanings.

Airplane – Representing the freedom of the skies, airplanes can also symbolize hope and future happiness.

Books – Books in a dream indicate a desire for knowledge. Another meaning could be that it is time to apply knowledge you already have.

Castle – A castle is an indicator that you have a desire to be on the defensive and hide or remove yourself from intimate relationships.

Dragon – Dreaming of a dragon could indicate physical and emotional dominance by a person that may be leading you in to trouble.

Eggs – New possibilities are indicated by an egg just opening. If you are eating or preparing eggs in your dream it could indicate a desire to start a family.

Flowers – With their natural beauty, flowers can indicate beauty and relaxation as well as an overall general feeling of well-being.

Green – If you dream of the color green, it is an indicator you should spend more time out in nature. It can also indicate feelings of jealousy.

Horses – A horse in your dream can be an indicator of good luck. If you are riding the horse, it could suggest a sudden rise in fortune.

Ice Cream – Linked with childish pleasures, eating ice cream indicates that a time of opportunity is at hand and success can be seized.

Jewels – Sparkling and twinkling, jewels indicate pleasure, achievement, and fiscal security.

Key – If you dream of a key, be prepared for a life-changing event to happen in the near future.

Letter – Letters indicate a need for learning or education. A letter can also indicate intelligence and communication skills.

Motorcycle – The ultimate vehicle of the open road, the motorcycle indicates a desire for freedom or that measurable progress is at hand.

Natural Disaster – When you dream about a natural disaster, it is an indicator that major change is coming for good or ill.

Owl – The owl indicates a time for solemn consideration and application of personal wisdom and virtue.

Pink – Sometimes indicating a change in your interpersonal relationships is on the way, dreaming of pink can also indicate femininity and gentleness.

Quest – Dreaming about participating in or undertaking a quest indicates an attempt to achieve a long range goal.

Rainbow – When you dream of a rainbow, you are being shown a sign of hope and positive prospects for future endeavors.

Star – When you dream of a star, you are being shown a desire to achieve a higher form of yourself.

Tree – Trees are symbols of solidity and stability. If they are in flower, a time of optimism and plenty is soon to be at hand.

Umbrella – A closed umbrella indicates that you are open to your feelings and are in connection with your inner emotions.

Volcano – An erupting volcano is a warning. This could indicate that you may have been neglecting an important part of your life.

Wine – When you dream about drinking wine you are entering in to a time of health, fortune and happiness.

X-Ray Machine – Worry will soon be smoothed away. If you dream of the x-ray reports of others, family quarrels are coming.

Yellow – If your dream contains a lot of yellow hues, you can be sure to have energy and enthusiasm to continue the task.

Zoo – Dreaming of a zoo could indicate that there is a matter you need to take care of and “clean up” before it gets out of hand.

If you need help finding the message in your dreams, I hope you will visit me in my Free Chat  I love talking about dreams and their meanings!