Goals for 2008

Goals for 2008

This section contains the following:
A. Personnel
B. Facilities
C. Congregation

A. Personnel

1. We plan to obtain heath insurance as a benefit for clergical staff
2. We hope to bring in help (part time at first, building up to full time as needed) in or to operate the
medicinal herb portion of our ministry.)
3. We hope to offer medical insurance for our employees

B. Facilities

1. Our current facilities are under lease until May of 2008. We are currently working with the
Landlord to see if this can be extended.
2. We have pretty much all the hard-ware we will need for the medical herbs for a while. We will have
the normal expenses, but no further heavy hard-ware will be needed for quite some time.
3. We are hoping that we will be able to purchase a facility that will allow for the operation of all
aspects of the Center.

Revised Business Plan The Business Description The Marketing Plan Operating and Control Systems The Financial Plan Goals for 2008